Thursday, January 26, 2012

(Day 26) 'Twas the night before the MCAT...

'Twas the night before the MCAT, when gone from our house
Was our precious Daddy and mommys special spouse.
He studied so much and took great care
To know all his stuff and left nothing to spare.

Now we dear children are nestled all snug in our beds
And praying he sleeps well and is properly fed.
Although mama misses him, she is very proud of him
And wants him to know, she knows he will win.
We love you Daddy!

Playing with blocks before bed
Well, tomorrow is the big day. 
Poor Richard has put so much time into this test, as it is expected.  We are so proud of how he has worked.
Today was a fun day! Liam and I finally were able to play in the snow and he had a blast! (it took awhile to snow enough to be able to play in it) And then after dinner, Liam led me on an adventure to find the tiger in our house. Cause apparently we have one, and he was bound to find it. No luck though. But he had us crawling on all fours to find it.
Such a silly, wonderful boy.
Put another mark in the books for good day, because today was definitely one of those.
(and keep my dear hubby in your prayers tomorrow morning while he takes that dreaded test...)

But no stress, right Richard? ;)

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